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United Kingdom


Honey and Beeswax Products made in Hampshire by a devoted family of beekeepers.


Alresford Honey


Alresford Honey


We often refer to this honey as from the "Gardeners Garden” as there is the private gardens for the main house where the bees work all the fruit trees and plants, flowers, lime trees and hedgerows. There are also bees on the farmland surrounding the main farmhouse where they are working on oilseed rape and field beans. These bees are predominantly there to pollinate the fields for the farmer however, they are more than happy to help themselves to a bounty of nectars from the fields. There are plenty of hedgerows and woodland around the farm as this is a traditionally run farm that is extremely keen to work with nature and woodlands are a passion for the farm owner. We work with our farmers to ensure we can pollinate their crops and in return, they ensure that they use as little as possible of any pesticides etc. We are always in communication with the farmer and when he has to spray we are given enough notice to enable us to remove bees if necessary or close the entrances at night whilst any spraying that takes place is done. This means that our bees are not flying during spraying.

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